Could Compounding Pharmacists Solve the Sodium Bicarbonate Shortage? As stocks of the vital drug become rarer, pharmacists could be the ones combatting the shortage. May 25, 2017 By Nicholas Hamm Sodium bicarbonate is becoming increasingly difficult for emergency rooms to obtain, potentially creating problems since few alternatives are available. One of these alternatives, sodium acetate, […]
Compounders, Lawmakers To Press FDA To Leave Office Use To States
An international group of compounders is working with lawmakers to draft a new letter asking FDA to rescind guidance requiring a patient-specific prescription for each drug compounded under 503A, and to return to states control over office-use compounding, saying the agency’s prohibition on such compounding runs against congressional intent.
Sick Eagle Gets TLC at Hazleton Pharmacy
A Hazleton compounding pharmacy had a very special and very ill feathered customer to tend to Wednesday.
Compounders Craft an RX Just For You
Compounders make prescription drugs the old-fashioned way, one ingredient at a time. For patients with a special need, that can be a lifesaver.